
Hostel | Bed space on the bed in 2 tiers
1000a night

If you go aloneIf you go alone and need a company - great! You can also save - a great convenient version of the Hostel for only 1000 rubles!

  • Wi-Fi
  • Душ
  • Туалет
    Book now
    Double room for 12 hours
    2950a night

    Spacious double room for 12 hours.Spacious double room for 12 hours. It is possible to put an extra bed +1000 rubles.

    • Wi-Fi
    • Shower
    • WC
    • TV
    • Air conditioner
    Book now
    Double room for 24 hours
    2950a night

    Spacious double room for 24 hoursSpacious double room for 24 hours, it is possible to put an extra bed in a room +1000 rubles.

    • Wi-Fi
    • Shower
    • WC
    • TV
    • Air conditioner
    • Cot
    Book now